Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Where Would You Go?

I recently attended a meeting at my eighth grade daughter's school.  During that meeting the parents were paired up and given a set of questions to ask one another.  One of the questions I was asked was:

If you could time travel when and where in time would you go?
I had to ponder on that question for a minute until the obvious truth popped into my mind... I would go back to when my children were little!

When my older three children were very young my days were filled with endless tasks.  They relied on me for every aspect of their needs.  I tied all of their shoes, wiped their noses, buckled their seatbelts, poured their cereal, changed the tv channels, and gave them their nightly baths.  So much has changed.  These three adorable faces are far more than just a few cute kids who line up behind me now. Today they are people with thoughts and opinions.  They are unique and similar all at the same time.  They have questions and answers.  They are funny, quirky, and an absolute joy to spend my days with!
What would I do if I could spend just one day with the younger versions of my kids?
I would hold each of them on my lap.  I would play with them and talk to them.  I would watch them interact with each other.  I wouldn't stress over the messes or what I would be making for dinner.  I would look at these tiny faces and squeaky voices and I would see them for the people that they are today.  I would see bright, happy, independent, confident, loving individuals and my heart would almost burst with joy and pride; because I have some GREAT kids.

I know that I can't go back, but I CAN go forward.  I can go forward being inspired and uplifted every day by these crazy awesome people who just happen to be my children.  I can watch them learn and grow and make great decisions and take smart paths through this incredible life.  I can do all of this with the knowledge that I played a part in it.  That's right, I have crazy awesome kids... but you know what?  A big part of their success is due to the fact that they were loved like crazy by the luckiest mama in the world!
Love you like crazy,

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