I am a photographer, you all know that. I'm going to tell you why being a photographer comes with a VIP pass. I catch moments with my camera that I would likely otherwise miss because I am always looking! Before I started taking pictures as a hobby I simply took snap shots. Now I am trained to be looking for the moment and for the beauty that is everywhere every day. These images are from my sister's wedding that just took place last fall.
After the wedding everyone left to go to lunch, but I got to stay and hang out with the bride and groom. I had the VIP pass.
Later as everyone else was rushing around setting up the reception I got to take in the beauty of it all by capturing images of all the details. Again... I had the VIP pass.
Last year my best friend had her fourth baby after an eight year break. It was kind of a big deal. This session was just me and her laughing and having fun. No stress, no expectations, and no kids! (hahaha) Again... I had the VIP pass.
Just a couple of months ago my precious niece was born and because I held the VIP pass I got to spend an entire afternoon with her and her mother while she was still tiny and squishy. (doesn't her little chin just melt your heart?!)
And then there are moments like this that I happen to catch because my camera was already out and ready. I have the VIP pass because I'm The Mom.
I'm grateful for discovering a love for photography because it has opened my eyes to the amazing moments that surround me every day. Some moments are more frame-worthy than others, but all of them are precious and worth capturing! I have learned that when I stop long enough to just admire the wonder that is around me my heart no longer has room to feel sad or overwhelmed. Instead, all I feel is gratitude and happiness.
Love you Like Crazy!