Tuesday, May 20, 2014

It's Okay to say YES

When exactly did we adults become broken?  When we were children we weren't afraid of the world.  A child will happily chat with the stranger in line behind them at the grocery store.  A child can make a best friend in only a matter of moments.  Kids don't hold back, they don't hide who they are, and they don't pretend to be something else just to please you.  Children are raw, pure, and unspoiled.  So... what happens to change all of that once we grow up and take on adulthood?  Who decided that since you are a grown-up now that you can't dress up for Halloween?  When did it become an odd (and terrifying) gesture to speak to a stranger?  What took away our spontaneous nature and replaced it with procedure, discipline, and order? 
Hmmm... maybe We are the culprits.  Maybe we are breaking our kids right now.  Maybe we are rooting out their spontaneity by saying "No."  "No, it's too cold outside."  "Not right now."  "Ssshhh!" 
Of course there is a need for order, discipline, and procedure. However the presence of those things should not mean the absence of others.  Let's find joy in the little things again.  Let's celebrate small accomplishments in a big way.  Why don't we say YES?  
This week here is your challenge:  See how many times you can say YES!
Say yes to weekday living room campouts, yes to riding on the sunroof down the driveway, yes to inside-out undies and rubber boots in the mud.  Say yes to "selfies" with your teen, yes to drinking out of the bottle, yes to life, yes to fun!
So, perhaps we can't completely rescue our children from the broken mindset of adulthood, but maybe we CAN preserve some of their pure, spontaneous, and happy natures.  I don't know, maybe they will grow up to pass on the power of the word YES to their own little crazies one day!

Love you like crazy

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